Please review the following guidelines for the Prayer Wall. NPBC Prayer Wall Moderators will review all submissions.
Submissions will be posted within 24 hours.
If a submission is not publicly posted for any reason, it will be prayed for privately by our prayer team.
If you see content that you feel is inappropriate, have questions about the moderation, or have other issues, please contact us.
Respect the privacy of others.
When asking for prayer for another, use only the name or initials. We strongly suggest using only the initials if it is a sensitive and personal prayer request. You are ultimately responsible for the contents of your prayer request; however, our moderators have the right to edit or modify any request.
Respect others by not posting unnecessary details that would be hurtful or incite gossip.
Refrain from submitting any links in your requests, including Christian resources.
Refrain from submitting in reply to another person’s request.
Refrain from posting needs other than in the form of a prayer. If you have needs of food, clothing, or other issues, please contact the church office and we can help direct you.