Dear Church family,
This has been an amazing year. God has moved and lives have been changed!
God has called us, His church, to a great mission:
to make more and better disciples.
We exist to help people in our community find and follow Jesus.
It has been an absolute joy for me to see us grow in our focus on that mission this year. More people are engaging in weekend worship, investing in life-changing relationships, and pursuing a life of surrender to Jesus. More people are praying for and reaching out to friends and family that don’t know the good news of Jesus yet. We have seen this increase in excitement for our mission in adults, as well as in our vibrant Kids and Student Ministries.
This year God has increasingly turned our hearts towards His mission, and I am confident He will continue His good work in us in the year to come!
Last year, we began a strategic planning process to determine the best way to move forward on our mission. We have learned a lot and are excited to share some of the things that are coming out of that planning process.
One thing is the Fall Focus this year entitled: Neighbors. Starting on September 11th, we are going to spend 11 weeks together learning how to help the people living around us find and follow Jesus. The key to the fall focus will be the content and conversation that happens in our Connect Groups. You will want to make sure to get into a Connect Group!
In this report, you will see evidence of God working wonderfully and powerfully in and through this church family. May you give God the glory for the great things He has done! And may you be filled with anticipation at the glorious things He is going to do in and through this church family in the coming year!
God Bless,
Making more and better disciples

We believe everyone can take a next step in becoming fully devoted disciples.
And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” –Matthew 28:18-20 ESV
Engaged in the weekly sunday experience
(Hebrews 10:24-25, Romans 10:17)
Connecting with God and with other Christians each week is vital to our spiritual health and growth.
Sunday services include biblical teaching and musical worship along with stories of life change that provide the fuel needed to take the next step in your faith journey.
We gather Sunday mornings at 9 and 10:30 both in-person and online. →Watch
invested in life-changing relationships
(Acts 2:46-47)
Connections are made through CONNECT Groups at North. We believe that discipleship happens best through relationships. Our faith journeys, while unique, are not meant to be traveled alone.
Adult small groups meet throughout the year both on-site and in homes. New CONNECT groups will kick off in September.
Pursued surrendered living
(Acts 2:45, Mark 10:45)
Giving generously of our time, talent and treasure builds connections with God, the church, and the community.
Serving and giving as Jesus did is how we move God’s mission forward.
Next Steps Taken
What’s more special than a family who takes their next step together! During a recent baptism, Matthew was baptized with his three children.
“In my early ages, I did not grow up in a church, and other than Cub Scouts and some VBS weeks, I did not really receive much exposure to the Word. After a baseball game when I was 13, I was given a tract. I ended up reading the tract later and made the decision to ask Jesus into my life. Being a Christian allowed me to confidently follow my life's path with optimism. That path led me to my wife and the family I have today, a family that is being raised with Christian values.”
–Matthew Hensley
Ready to take the step of baptism?
We are called to ‘just say YES’
“I was trying to figure out where I fit in serving. I knew I should be singing but I didn’t know where else I fit. I waited, I prayed and I listened for some kind of direction. Finally, I heard ‘just say yes!’ What I realized was that I was saying yes but only to the things I’d always done, the things I was comfortable doing in the way I was comfortable doing them so I really wasn’t saying yes to everything. So, I had this feeling come over me that if I’m physically capable and available, I’m going to say yes.
Pretty much immediately I started getting asked to do things. I realized I could do this but I put a time frame on it. I thought I could do a season of yes. Before I knew it, it was almost a year of yes. Then I thought why am I putting a time frame on saying yes to the things God wants me to do. That’s what we all are supposed to be doing: living a life of YES, listening for that next opportunity and the next direction. You just need to be open and ready to say YES.”
—Reinnie Leavitt
Sharing God’s love
“God has blessed me and grown me in my relationship with him so that I might encourage others who walk through our doors. Our First Impression group is filled with godly people willing to help and encourage others as well as each other. We are truly brothers and sisters in Christ. I believe he put us together to be an inspiration to each other. I feel more blessed than I can explain.”
–Shirley Ruckman
Together. Encourage. Grow.
Adult CONNECT groups provided irresistible environments where everyone was encouraged to take their next steps toward life change. Men, women, and young adults groups were available throughout the week at church, in homes, and via Zoom. In addition to Bible study, groups participated in a service project during the Fall Focus “Made for More.”
Stephen Ministry…
Christ caring for people through people
This year we launched a new ministry. Stephen Ministry equips lay people to provide one-to-one Christian care to people in our congregation who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. After months of extensive training, 21 members graduated and were ready to provide emotional and spiritual care to those experiencing a crisis or other difficulties in life.
→ Learn More
Meet the Pastor
This year we began hosting Meet the Pastor sessions in our Family Room. 59 people took the opportunity to sit down with Pastor Mike and hear his heart for God's mission and the church.
This is an excellent opportunity for you to bring guests to meet Pastor Mike. Even if you’ve been at North a while, it’s for you too! Meet the Pastor takes place following both services on the second Sunday of the month.
Train up a child…
It is our passion to see children become disciples of Jesus. By trusting Christ as their Savior and knowing that God loves them, they can then go out into the world and show that love to others.
When I first came to North, I felt very welcomed. I was greeted from the moment I started walking to the church. The process of checking in my two boys was very easy. I love the security of them having name tags and having to show a ticket to pick them up.
I felt connected because I was always made aware of opportunities the church offered, from in the beginning of the service to checking the mobile app.
I felt like I belonged from the first time I walked into North. This is a big thing for me because I was searching for a home church and somewhere I felt I was welcomed.
North is a place I always felt like my boys and I are welcomed and safe.
—Hannah onesto
Being the hands and feet of Jesus
Shared experiences help build relationships that will last a lifetime! From camps to groups to mission trips, students grew in their relationship with Christ and with each other.
The mission trip showed me how the body of Christ is working and operating in a place that was new and foreign to me. It was super encouraging to see their love and passion for the Lord. I got to meet a lot of amazing people and serve alongside them in a place that has such a great need for Jesus. The trip taught me that there is a huge need for Jesus everywhere we go! The skills and lessons I learned in D.C can be applied back here in Parkersburg and wherever else I may go.
–Abby Broadwater, high school student
When a child hears the word ‘missionary,’ the picture that typically comes to mind is someone in a foreign land teaching about Jesus or helping those that are hungry. My goal with bringing mission projects to North Kids Ministry is for each child to see that THEY are a missionary! It does not have to be some giant gesture or task. It can be bringing an offering to help those less fortunate, filling bags for local foster children so they know the love of Jesus, or simply praying on a regular basis for God to do His work. I want kids to walk away knowing that they can be a missionary in their own city or one day in a foreign land.
–Erin Perez, North Kids director
participate in Color Run
North Kids sponsored a Color Run in April at City Park for the community. The race brought families together for a morning of fun. Local runners offered help with the organization of the race and FloorOne students and Kid Min volunteers worked together to make the race enjoyable for all participants.
North Christian School
The heart of North Christian School is to seek God in all they do. Students built a strong educational foundation and develop Christ-like character during their years at NCS.
“We feel blessed to have our child going to NCS. She LOVES going to school and we love that she is learning about God while learning about academics. The staff is wonderful!” –Toni Ligas
Learn more → North Kids (Infant-5th) // Students (6th-12th) // NCS (PreK2-5th)
North Food Pantry
“Our food pantry definitely reflects what’s happening in the community around us. Lately, as gas prices and inflation have driven up the cost of food, it has meant the difference for many families to make it to the end of the month. We are also seeing a larger number of recovery programs and veteran’s affairs assistance programs beginning to include us in their support resources for their clients. We are within walking distance of many of them and on the bus route.” –Susan Gracey, Food Pantry coordinator
Through generous donations from the congregation and area groups including Boy Scout Troop 74, the Food Pantry was able to meet the needs of 259 families.
Friendship Kitchen: Celebrating 20 years
More than a meal
“Working at the Friendship Kitchen is a tremendous blessing to me. It is such an honor to serve the guests, along side the other wonderful volunteers. Serving others is a great opportunity to be God’s hands, feet, and heart to the community. What better way to love others like Jesus than to show compassion, take time to hear their story, let them know they are cared for, and then follow through with letting them hear their own name being lifted up in prayer. That’s not only what Jesus would do, but what He has called us to do too. It is always a privilege to stand in the gap between the need and the One who is faithful to provide.”
–Debbie Brewster
The Clothing Closet
The Clothing Closet has helped my family. It helps us keep up with the kids growing out of their clothing.
–Jasmine Bland
The Clothing Closet serves children sizes newborn through 14/16 youth. It is designed to allow families the opportunity to shop for free clothing and other necessities for their children such as car seats, formula, diapers, and wipes.
North Place Maternity House
Celebrating new arrivals
Three babies were welcomed into the North Place family this year with two more expected in the fall! During the past 6 years, 29 babies and their moms have found grace at North Place.
North Place provides a caring community for mothers as they prepare to build a life for themselves and their babies. Each mother and child is precious to God and to us.
Not only do the expectant moms have a safe, Christ-centered place to live, but they are also offered Bible studies and acquire the skills needed to be successful mothers.
A message from Pastor John
Dear Church Family,
It’s wonderful to see how God is moving our church forward into a new season of ministry. We have many reasons to celebrate His faithfulness.
Thanks to your generosity, tithes and offerings were $1.43 million, exceeding what we budgeted for 2021-2022 by $159,859. Total expenses incurred were $1.16 million, 1.2% less than budgeted. Our net income of $280,859 allowed us to complete several major repairs and upgrades.
These are some of the projects over this past year, our dedicated volunteers renovated the second floor of the Friendship Kitchen and successfully repaired a portion of its fencing. In addition, the residents of North Place Maternity House were blessed with a new outdoor patio and privacy fencing. In our main building, we installed a new security system and added additional key fob access control locations. We also replaced the slate roof that was leaking over the office and converted our facility lighting to LED panel fixtures, which will significantly reduce our future utility costs. Looking ahead to 2022-2023, we will be updating our fire alarm system and improving our security access to the church and North Christian School.
I’m also excited to share with you that our accounting team has begun working with an independent CPA firm to pursue accreditation and membership with ECFA, a national organization that ensures financial accountability and transparency for Christian non-profits and churches.
We are blessed that God is providing the resources to help us take care of our church and outreach ministries, so that we can carry out our full-time mission of “making more and better disciples of Jesus.” None of the improvements that have taken place over the past twelve months would have been possible without the faithful generosity of our church family. Thank you for partnering with us for the Kingdom. God is moving
In Christ,
Pastor John