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Our surrendered giving allows us to push forward the mission to MAKE MORE AND BETTER DISCIPLES. 

As Christians, we have been called to be obedient to God and to be surrendered givers of our time, our talents, and our resources.

We believe that God owns everything. Because of what Jesus has already done in us and through us, we can be generous in all areas of our lives, investing in the things that matter.

Ways To Give At North

God’s Word shows us both the responsibilities and the blessings of giving.

Giving acknowledges that all that we have is a gift for God, entrusted to us to be used to further the Gospel. The Bible teaches that giving should be done with a cheerful heart and should be proportional to what we have received through God’s goodness.

Scripture teaches that a tithe is a tenth of all that God has given us. It is 10% of our money, our time, and our talents. Your financial tithe to North is used to support the general operation of the church.

Why Give Online

Online giving has many benefits!

It's convenient... just takes a few clicks of the mouse and keystrokes and it's done. There’s no need for hand-writing checks, offering envelopes, or remembering to take your check to church.

It's consistent... by setting up a recurring payment, you are less likely to forget. Automate what matters!

It provides information... you can view your total contributions (both online and otherwise) for various date ranges. No more waiting for the quarterly statements to know where you stand.

Giving FAQs

What is Planning Center Giving?
The donor interface for Planning Center Giving is hosted on North uses a unique web address ( where people can give and manage their contact information, recurring gifts, payment methods, and view their giving history. You can learn more about the Planning Center Giving experience by visiting their website.

What if I forget my password?
That’s ok! With Planning Center Giving, passwords aren’t used. Passwords aren’t secure or simple since they’re reused, making them weak, and with passwordless login, people don’t have to create an account–all they need is an email address.

Is Planning Center safe?
Yes. No credit card details are held on your phone. Credit card details are tokenized and are stored on industrial grade servers where this information is then encrypted. The security setup we have used is the same as many banks and is PCI DSS compliant. For this reason, Planning Center Giving is considered significantly more secure than many current offerings including actually having a credit card physically present.  

Do I get a receipt when I give online?
Yes. You will receive an email immediately after giving. You can view a list of your transactions at any time by logging on to your account. You will be able to see any gift given via the website, the North App, or Text-to-Give.

Financial Accountability

North Parkersburg Baptist Church is accredited by Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. ECFA is an outside third party that certifies our financial practices operate with transparency, accountability, and integrity. It means when you give at North the funds go where we say they are going to go, and you can trust that North has stewarded well the resources with which God has blessed us. It means you can give with confidence.

If you have questions about ECFA or your giving record, please contact the church office at 304-428-3293 or email our accounting manager at