Child Dedication
Child dedication is a commitment to a partnership with the church for the spiritual development of their child. We believe that parents bear the greatest influence on their child’s faith. We also believe the church has a role and responsibility to provide support for parents and biblical instruction for children and youth. Therefore, we believe that God calls the church and home to work together to raise the next generation to know, love, and live for Christ.
During the Child Dedication service, parents will commit to partnering with the church for the spiritual development of their child by prioritizing their child’s attendance at church.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Child Dedication the same as Child Baptism?
Dedication is the parent’s commitment to God to raise the child in His ways.
Does NPBC perform Infant Baptism?
NPBC does not baptize children until they are old enough to articulate their understanding and faith in Jesus Christ as their Savior. We believe child dedication is an important step for parents in guiding their child’s spiritual development.