Message Discussion Questions
We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family or a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.
August 30—”my peace i give you”
1. Do I have the lasting peace of Christ or am I seeking temporary peace elsewhere?
2. When faced with a problem, how can I change from focusing on the problem in front of me to focusing on God’s presence
with me?
3. What verse(s) in scripture could I use as a tool to focus on Christ’s peace instead of the chaos of life?
August 23—”Why are you so afraid”
1. Name a defining moment in your life.
2. What are some things you are afraid of?
3. How has/can Jesus change your fears?
August 16—”Call it out”
1. What words or message do you tend to hear or say about yourself?
2. How can you call out the words of fear within you?
3. What words or messages do you need to say this week to lift yourself and someone else up?
August 9—”Do not be anxious”
1. What is one fear/anxiety I can refuse and instead trust God with?
2. Am I guilty of simply existing? What can I do of purpose to serve God?
3. Who could use my help in turning from their worries to faith and trust in Christ?
August 2—”Fear Not”
1. In what part of your life do you need to fear less?
2. How does knowing God is always with you allow you to fear less?
3. Name a time in your life when God showed up in a big way.