Let’s Talk


Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

September 10—”Welcoming change

1.  Why do you follow Jesus?

2. How has following Jesus changed you?  

3. What would, or what is, holding you back from truly changing to be more like Jesus?

September 17—”the choice is yours

1.  How would you describe a disciple of Jesus?

2. Why are there no "accidental followers" of Jesus?

3. Have you chosen to follow Jesus?  Why or why not?

September 24—”Deny yourself

1.  What does Jesus' command of denying yourself mean to you?

2. Why is following yourself one of the worst ideas for your life?

3. Where in your life may you be denying Jesus?  How can you change this? 

October 1–Take Up Your Cross

1. What does it mean for Christians to take up their cross?

2. Why is Jesus' crucifixion a symbol for the call to follow Jesus?

3. What is your response to Christ's call to truly follow him?  What does that look like in your life? 

October 8—”follow daily

1. Why can’t you reconcile with God?

2. Why is the call to follow Jesus a daily call?

3. Where are you in your daily reset with Jesus?  

October 15—”following jesus personally

1. Is there someone, or something, you are letting lead you above Jesus?

2. Have you begun following a substitute for Jesus? What will it mean for you to follow the real thing?

3. What does a personal relationship with Jesus look like in your life? What will you change this week to pursue Jesus personally?

October 22—”Going public

1. How is baptism a public profession of your relationship with Jesus?

2. Why is baptism not a means of salvation?

3. Do you need to start living your commitment to Jesus more visibly?  If so, how? 

October 29—”A Call to obey

1. Why do you sometimes not fully obey God?

2. Are there areas in your life that are disobedient to God but you have made yourself feel better by making excuses for them?

3. How does God show himself as good in your life?

November 5—”Radical Commitment

1. Why is the call to follow Jesus so radical?

2. What side of the line are you on when it comes to your relationship with Jesus: contract or commitment?

3. How can you help others be changed by Jesus?

November 12—”Consider the cost

1. Are you calling yourself a follower of Jesus but on your own terms?

2. Why is giving up authority over everything you have key to following Jesus?

3. How does Jesus help you recenter your life around Him?

November 19—”No Turning back

1. Why do you choose to follow Jesus or not?

2. What areas of your life have you not fully surrendered to God?

3. How would your life be different if it was one of full surrender?