Let’s Talk

Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

June 2—”IN the World, But Not OF the World”

1. What does it mean to you that Christians are to be "in the world, but not of the world"?

2. How does God's word change the believer to be different in this world?

3. Which of the 3 ways of responding to the darkness in the world most closely matches you right now (escaping, existing, engaging/changing)?  

June 9—”Know Who You are

1. How does identity confusion lead to world conformity?

2. Where are you seeking validation in the world and it's leading you to live like the world? 

3. Why is knowing who you are in Christ essential for living in but not of the world?  


1. How can you live in the world today and resist the darkness or becoming OF the world?

2. How do you often give into the darkness of the world?

3. Why does God call us to renew our minds as a follower of Christ?   

June 23—”shine like stars”

1. What are some examples in or around you of the darkness in the world?

2. Why does salvation free you up to passionately pursue good works for others?

3. . Who do you know that is far from God and needs a friend to help them find their way back
to Him?