Let’s Talk


Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

JANUARY 29—”That you may know”

1. Do you ever feel your connection with God is dull? If so, why?

2. What is the one thing Jesus made possible on the cross that God didn’t already have?

3. Out of faith, hope, and love, which one needs to become more alive in you? How can each of these become more alive in you?

JANUARY 22—”your inheritance in christ”

1. Do your bad days often cause you to lose hope in life? If so, how? 

2. How can knowing you have an inheritance from Christ waiting for you in heaven impact your life today?

3. What does it mean to be sealed with the Holy Spirit? 

January 15—”redeemed in christ”

1. How do you become united with Christ?

2. How do your beliefs influence your feelings of God's grace?

3. What does redemption mean for you? 

January 8—”Chosen in christ”

1. How has God blessed you?

2. How can you live like you are rich in Christ this week?

3. What would happen if you truly believed that you are blessed beyond measure by God?