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Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family or a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

June 21—”first in everything”

1. Where in your life is Jesus not first?

2. Why is it hard making Jesus first in your life?

3. Where in your life do you stay busy instead of staying focused?

June 28—”to live is christ”

1. Fill in the blank: For me to live is ______________.  Is my answer Christ?  If not, what steps can I take to change that?

2. Do others think of Jesus by observing the way I live?  Am I honoring Him with my life?

3. Is there someone God wants me to invest in to help them grow in their faith?

July 5—”Grace & Love”

1. On a scale of 1 (none) to 10 (extremely high) what is your passion level for Jesus?

2. How much has Jesus forgiven you for in your life (GRACE)?

3. What can you do this week to get to a place where you are more passionately living with Jesus first in your life?

July 12—”Answer the call”

1. Are your actions helping to heal or contributing to the brokenness in our world? 

2. What can you do this week when tempted to return to sin?

3. What can you give this week to serve others? 

July 19—”Do This”

1. Of all Jesus accomplished on the cross, what inspires the most awe and gratitude in me?

2. Of all that we will experience when Jesus returns, what inspires the most anticipation and hope in me?

3. How can I actively respond to remembering Christ’s sacrifice and partaking in communion?