
We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

NOVEMBER 20 - “3…2…1…liftoff

1. What's your mission, defined by Jesus, as a Christian?

2. What are some of the true needs of the neighbors you encounter on a daily basis?

3. How can you take your mission from Jesus and apply that to help the needs of your neighbors this week?

November 13 - “BLESS–story

1. What issue, need, or struggles did you encounter that turned your attention to Jesus for help and forgiveness?

2. What difference has trusting Jesus to be your Savior made in your life?

3. This week, how can you prepare to share your story of what Jesus has done for you with your neighbors?

November 6 - “BLESS–serve

1. Why do you sometimes have to leave your “normal” in order to serve your neighbor?

2. Is there anything about serving others that you feel would be beneath you?

3. How can Jesus’ death for you empower you to serve others this week?


1. What happens to you when you forget why God put you here on earth?

2. How can the truth of Jesus hanging around sinners influence how you relate to others?

3. How can using food and fellowship help you show God’s love to someone else?

OCTOBER 23 - “BLESS–listen

1. Why is listening one of the greatest ways to care for someone else?

2. Do you regularly ask people questions that benefit them over you?

3. Why did Jesus give His full attention to those he interacted with?

OCTOBER 16 - “BLESS–Begin with prayer

1. Why is it important to be concerned about our neighbors?

2. What can you take from Jesus' example of starting with prayer as a way to reach your neighbors?

3. What two neighbors, who may not know Jesus, will you pray for this week?

OCTOBER 9 - “Well, That’s Awkward

1. What can you learn from Jesus befriending sinners?

2. How can being a friend to someone lead to a conversation about God's love for them?

3. What can you do this week to be a friend that blesses your neighbor?

October 2 - “Why are we so bad at sharing the good news?

1. Do you find it difficult to share the Good News of the Gospel? If so, why?

2. How do we often get the mission that Jesus has given us confused?

3. How does the Holy Spirit enable us to serve out the mission of making more disciples for Christ?

SEPTEMBER 25 - “In then through me

1. Why does God need to do work in you before He can use you for his mission?

2. What is the difference between believing in the truths about Jesus versus believing in Jesus?

3. Have you ever shed tears because someone doesn't have salvation through Jesus?

September 18 - “GOD’S great plan for you

1. Why is rescuing lost people a consuming passion of God?

2. What does it mean to you that God wants to use you to be an ambassador for Christ?

3. How can you own the mission God has given you this week?


1. What does it mean to you that when you were "lost" you mattered so much to God that he pursued you by sending Jesus so that you may be found?

2. Why is it a big deal that there are still lost people in our communities today?

3. How can God's love for the lost change the way we think about them?