Message Discussion Questions
We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family or a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.
may 17—”words”
1. Reality check: have the words I’ve spoken over the past week to those closest to me honored God?
2. Do I need to seek or offer forgiveness over harsh words that were spoken?
3. Who could I build up and bless with words today?
may 10—”The Game Plan for gratitude”
1. What are you currently grateful for?
2. How has God blessed you during this pandemic?
3. How can you be a blessing to others during this time?
may 3—”climbing out of discouragement”
1. What areas of your life are you currently experiencing discouragement?
2. What are some next steps you can take this week to alleviate your discouragement?
3.What has God given you that you can use to bless someone else this week?
April 26—”In the middle of the mess”
1. Am I prone to action or apathy amidst difficult circumstances?
2. What would it look like if I focused on sacrificially loving the members of my household more this week?
3. In what ways am I living to be the person God created me to be? What needs to change?
April 19—”Hope is alive”
1. Have you ever hoped for something only to be let down by it?
2. How would you describe "being born again" to someone?
3. What hope do you have today because of Jesus?