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Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

February 28—”Physical worship”

1. What is currently hindering you from worshipping God with your body?

2. How can you offer your body as a living sacrifice to God this week?

3. How can you offer your body as a living sacrifice to God this week?

February 21—”the worship you want”

1. How does true worship require our hearts?

2. How can you lead your emotions in worshipping God?

3. This week, what can you do to grow your passion for God?

February 14—”Behold and Be Changed”

1. What comes to mind when you think about God?

2. How do you view God?

3. How do you re-focus to see a clear view of God?

February 7—”The Worship You Want”

1. What does worshipping God mean to you?

2. How does knowing God made you to worship Him change your idea of what worship may be?

3. Which circle (knowing, feeling, doing) do you need to press more into this week?