Message Discussion Questions
We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family or a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.
August 4—“Facing Lions”
1. Have you ever compromised your commitment to God? What were the repercussions?
2. Name a time in your life where you courageously trusted God. What was the result?
3. What area of your life to you need to ask God to help you be unshakably committed?
July 28—”All In: If I Perish, I Perish”
1. Are you living a life where your comfort and pleasure are the end goal?
2. How can you use the skills/abilities/influence God has given you to help restore life in someone else?
3. What can you do this week to leap forward into ministry?
July 21—”The Blessing of the Dirty Towel”
1. Does my definition of love differ from the Lord’s? How?
2 How often do I humbly offer myself in service to others out of love for them?
3. Do I allow Christ’s love to flow through me and empower me to love the unlovable?
4. Where is God calling me to serve others? How am I going to “get my towel dirty?”
July 14—”God’s Promises Never Fail”
1. Reflect on a time that you made a leap for God. How was He faithful in that time?
2. What line is God asking you to leap over?
3. What keeps you from leaping?