75 families

blessed through the Clothing Closet

The pandemic didn’t stop the community's need for clothes, diapers, formula, car seats, and pack ‘n plays. Although the shoppers couldn’t physically shop themselves (yet), we continued to serve the needs of 75 families.
A new, beautiful boutique-like space is near completion and should be fully functional by August 2021 providing a “store” where families can shop. The new space will be more convenient and in a safer location in the main office.


I made an appointment and found much more than clothing for my kiddos. I found love, acceptance, friendship, and most of all I saw God through this ministry. Raising this many children cannot be done all alone, so with the help of the Clothing Closet, we have been able to not stress out over the small things. I have been able to donate right back when the kids grow out of their clothes and such. This is a blessing to be able to do knowing fully that God had a plan to bless my family through the Clothing Closet.

—Katrina Smarr