
My Neighbors

This tool is helpful to identify your neighbors. Ask yourself “Who are the eight people in closest proximity to me?” These may be the people who are literally in your neighborhood. They may also be people at work, people at the gym, or people you see regularly at your kid’s ball games.

Place their names in each of the 8 boxes surrounding you on the chart below and begin praying for them. As you learn more about them over time, add info to each box to better focus your prayers.

Meal Calendar

“As people who scarf down fast food on the go while steering with our knees, I’m not sure we really grasp how big a deal eating was in Jesus’ culture. It was a statement of friendship. It was an affirmation of that person’s value, dignity, and worth. Who you ate with indicated who you loved and considered to be part of your social class.” – Dave & Jon Ferguson

Sharing Your Story

Sharing your story is important! Click on the link below for a simple tool for learning how to tell our own story in three parts.

Child Care Reimbursement Form

We understand that the expense of childcare can be a deterrent to participating in a CONNECT Group. Because we are committed to removing as many obstacles as possible, the church supplements group participants at a predetermined rate for their childcare expenses, if needed.