Let’s Talk
Message Discussion Questions
We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.
March 9—”love”
1. What are some hurdles you encounter when trying to love others?
2. Are you driven by your flesh, emotions, or the Holy Spirit when displaying love to others?
3. How can the Holy Spirit help you grow in showing agape to everyone you encounter?
March 2—”Brotherly Affection”
1. Why must brotherly affection be based on the way God shows us love and care?
2. Where in your life are you just being polite versus truly loving your brothers and sisters in Christ?
3. Are you willing to give sacrificially out of love or do you tend to only give when you must?
February 23—”Increasing Godliness”
1. How do you define godliness?
2. What practice do you need to engage in or reengage in to increase your godliness?
3. What is one area this week where you will intentionally let godliness shape your life?
February 16—”Increasing steadfastness”
1. What are you tempted to do when faced with life’s storms?
2. How did Jesus consistently demonstrate steadfastness?
3. Why is having support from other people critical to remain steadfast?
February 9—”Increasing self-control”
1. Where in your life do you struggle with self-control?
2. What would it look like if your life bore a greater resemblance to Jesus?
3. Why is "walking by the spirit" the key to overcoming a lack of self-control?
February 2—”Increasing knowledge”
1. How are you growing in your understanding of Scripture?
2. How can you discern between true and false teaching?
3. How does a deeper understanding of God's Word shape one's faith and decisions in life?
January 26—”Increasing virtue”
1. How is becoming more like Christ an actual experience you can have?
2. How do you live out Godly virtue in your life?
3. Why does virtue require courageous action on your part?
January 19—”Increasing your faith”
1. How do you define faith?
2. Why do you need a strong faith to become more like Jesus?
3. How has your faith in who God is, what he's done, and what he's promised transformed your life?
January 12—”The Power to change”
1. How do you access Christ's divine power in you?
2. Why, as a believer in Christ, should you make every effort to be more like Him?
3. What can happen if you neglect the Christ-like qualities He has given you?