Let’s Talk!

Message Discussion Questions

We have created a few questions designed to help you dive deeper into the content of the message. Whether on your own, with your family, or with a group of friends, our hope is that you use them to continue processing what God is speaking to you throughout the week.

JULY 31 - “dead end ahead”

1. What dead ends are you facing in your life?

2. How can God's presence, power, and purpose help us when we are faced with dead ends?

3. How does God often use dead ends in our life for his glory?

JULY 24 - “What’s the point?”

1. How is God's glory revealed through seemingly impossible situations?

2. What is the ultimate purpose of your life?

3. How do you or how will you live out this purpose moving forward?

JULY 17 - “A Trusted guide”

1. What does it say about God that He wants a relationship with you so much he would send his only son to die in your place to establish it?

2. If Moses was such a good leader, why did he and the Israelites need the guidance of God directly with the cloud and fire?

3. How is God present in your life the same way He was with the Israelites?

JUly 10 - “are we there yet?”

1. Have you ever found yourself asking "Will I ever get there?" while in pursuit of a better life?

2. How was Moses able to continue on the journey God had placed him and the Israelites on?

3. When discouraged in life, how can the Holy Spirit help you continue moving forward?

JUly 3 - “alternate route”

1. Has God ever led you down roads that seemingly didn't make sense? If so, what were they?

2. What are some reasons God may have kept you or prevented you from going down "expected" roads in your life?

3. How can trusting God help when doubting the road you're on?